Sunday 20 October 2013

S'mores brownies - you are welcome

My plan isn't to actively make my husband fat, but I am enjoying the incredible new range of food available to me in the States, so it may be an unwanted side effect. Sorry, love.

After a bit of searching I have managed to find somewhere that sells local fresh fruit and veg, which isn't normally important to me, but when the only alternatives are Trader Joe's (hippies shipping organic stuff from the other side of the planet, and missing the irony of their endeavours), Target (its cool - poor people don't need fresh fruit & veg) and Whole Foods (yey - they have organic tampons. Srsly) and we are living in a place nicknamed 'the fruit bowl' it is very odd that I've had to actively seek local farming produce.

Glad I did though - the plums from the financial district farmers market were delish!

Anyhoo - I've been experimenting a bit, now I have a kitchen again and an incredible selection of food at my disposal, and lo, s'mores brownies were born.

S'mores is a thing that you hear about alot in the American culture that bleeds across the pond, but I am still suspicious of American chocolate (Hersheys? Really??) so I thought s'mores brownies were the best way to try them for the first time. I was right.

I'd love to post a picture, but I burnt the marshmallow's on the top, so they looked a bit pox-marked. Also, they all fell in my tummy before I had the chance to photograph them. But they existed, and the world is a better place for it.

I used the brownie mix from Trader Joe's, added a graham cracker base (like a traditional digestive biscuit cheesecake base), crumbled extra graham cracker bits into the mixture, along with some baby marshmallows. Cooked it all up, drizzled Trader Joe's caramel sauce over it and squished some extra marshmallows into it. The next bit went a bit wrong, but I was supposed to toast them gently. Instead I burnt them horrifically and had to scrape them all off. That little mistake aside these were the chewiest and most delish brownies I have ever eaten. I rock.

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