Sunday 20 October 2013

Tenderloin - scarily cool

So, apparently the Tenderloin district of San Fran is either 'delightfully eclectic' or ruddy terrifying! Having read all the horror stories about people being attacked by meth heads I was able to see the lighter side of abject poverty and substance abuse when someone informed me that they had seen a homeless man poop in the street in Tenderloin. He added that he had also seen a couple having sex. In broad daylight. In the street.

I think we've made a decision - we will not be looking for apartments in Tenderloin.

All of that said we were treated to an awesome night out at a faux dive bar called Tradition. It was a bit like Porterhouse but with cocktails. And it introduced me to a thing called a sazerac.

No, not a sarlacc, or a sasanach, or a sasquatch, a sazerac. My drink of choice is a spiced rum and ginger beer. And, obviously, a well-placed jaegerbomb. So, needless to say I felt a little uncouth. That, however, was soon forgotten after one drink because these people know nothing of measures. In the UK I order a single shot and that is exacly what I get. Here I must have got a double in every drink, so after one (and no dinner) I was all about the 'couth'.

It certainly helped that the bar had a real London vibe to it. A bit hipster (grungy, but comfortingly trust-fund) and a bangin soundtrack.

The best thing about the place was the people though - turns out my disgusting sense of humour will serve me well here. FOR THE WIN.  

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