Monday 14 October 2013

Drier than a camel's chuff

Our last flat was damp. And I mean properly, mould-arousingly damp. It was sometimes a pain, but I'm British, so damp is more than a fact of life. Its something I fondly remember throughout my childhood. Like wagon wheels and wotsits.

Well, it turns out that the West Coast of America is not damp. It is very, very dry. To the extent that I am considering buying some nasal moisturising gel. That's not even a thing in England?? And I know that makes me sound like a bit of a sickly adult - 'my nasal mucous membranes are defective, *sniff*' - but bearing in mind there are a variety of nasal moisture products on the market I don't think I'm the only one.

Its just something that I've never experienced before, and no-one warned me. I'm from a coastal city, so I assumed dampness would be universal in coastal towns, but not this one. We're apparently in the middle of a bit of a heatwave thanks to a wind from inland (east), so, using my amazing meteorologocal powers, I'm going to guess that the dry air is blowing in off the desert (calling upon my geographical expertise there, too) and that as soon as the winds change and start blowing in off the sea the air will be cool and moist once more. So, basically, I don't think this is a permanent thing, but, like the garbage disposal unit, it was not something I was prepared for.

While I wait for the wind to change I'm off to Walgreen's to buy some nasal moisturiser. I have a coupon. Oh yeah, coupons, that's a big thing here too.

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