Sunday 6 July 2014

Dollar bills, ya'll

It wasn't til I was in Starbucks and the creepy guy behind me told me not to playfully toy with my debit card that I realised how fucking easy it is to fraud-it-up in the US. Its actually laughable.

So, the Social Security number that all proper people in the US are given (DON'T get me started on that. Yes, I have a valid visa. No, I do not have an SSN because I am not really welcome in the US. Whatevs.) and it is super SUPER important. You can't share it with anyone. It is super secure, like a giant PIN. However, because it is so important and it represents all your important deets you have to wheel it out about 3 times a day to every pleb that works in a phone shop, insurance company and bank. Not so fucking secure now, eh?

And what is the reluctance to buy in to PINs on bank cards and credit cards?? I either have to sign for stuff (which, BTW, can be forged. And rarely does the shop clerk check that my scrawl actually matches the card) or I just swipe and go? Wha??? So, I give you my card (which, BTW, is no longer a thing in the UK. You don't ever have to hand your card to someone else. You jam it into the machine and you take it out - at no point does anyone else have their sticky little fingers on it) and then you take as much money as you want without me checking it first? Um, no.

Finally, the cheque (spell it properly! We're not 5 years old - it doesn't have to be spelt phonetically) situation.

<<Bites finger to stop oneself from laughing out loud>>
When I transfer funds online from my account to someone elses the bank still has to PHYSICALLY POST A CHEQUE....BAHAHAHAHAHA!! Sorry, I can't even type it without cracking up. I have nothing to say about this, except that perhaps some of the US banking bigwigs might want to shadow a grown up bank sometime soon?

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