Thursday 13 November 2014

A tribute to the fallen GHDs

I'm not even addicted to my straighteners, it just pisses me off when I've lugged them across the world as part of my weight limit and they give up within one minute of plugging them in. I maimed my first pair of GHDs in New York years ago - after a feeble attempt at heating up they gave up completely for the rest of the holiday. But at least they were playing ball when I got back to the UK. That could not be said for my next occurrence of GHD abuse in Cali when they actually died and I had to send them to be fixed when I got back to the UK. You CAN do it yourself (I've checked the ol' youtube for tutorials) but its apparently quite hard to work out whats wrong with the fickle little thing, so it was easier and quicker to send it off to some nice chaps in the UK.

Roll on 2 years and my lovely sister-in-law uses them again on her super-thick locks. They surrendered halfway through, after a valiant effort, so we sent them off (to the UK, because apparently this service isn't offered in the US??) again. Those little war-wounded warriors are trundling along fine now, but one of their comrades fell in SF a couple of weeks ago. They have recovered in the UK, but it did mean that they basically got a free vacation in the US and were absolutely no bloody use whatsoever.

So - to the travel warning. If you are bringing GHDs from the UK to the US bring a travel adapter that allows you to mess with the voltage. Too many GHDs have been lost in the pursuit of straight holiday hair.

Its not funny. Its just true.

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