Thursday 6 March 2014

Travel winge 7

Its been a while since I had a travel winge, but today - delayed luggage

I am fortunate enough not to have experienced this in all the long haul flights I've done so far, but the hubby had this dubious pleasure only last week and it appeared that no-one gave a crap!

I'm sure this happens all the time - a short stopover, someone forgets to put the traveler's bag on the new flight in time, and traveler arrives at destination sans pants/socks etc. That is annoying enough. Especially when you have to sleep in your contact lenses. Buuuut when the airline promises to put it on the next flight, then doesn't, then promises it'll be with you the next day, then it isn't, then promises you'll have it by Wednesday, then you don't, then promises to get it to you as soon as it arrives in the country, then lets it sit from 4:30pm until 11am the next day in the airport offices I would call it unacceptable.

I have since read some horrendous stories of people stranded abroad for two weeks without their luggage and a succession of feeble excuses from their airline.

Airlines; what do you want me to do? You don't want me to carry much hand luggage because I'll fill up the overhead lockers (and, fuck me, some people's carry-on luggage is bigger than my car. One large wheelie suitcase, one holdall and a massive bucket of a handbag is NOT 'one piece of hand luggage'), but if I put everything in my checked luggage you might decide to lose it halfway to my destination. Next time, no check-in luggage, and you'll just have to find some space for my u-haul in the overhead lockers, yeh.

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