Saturday 2 August 2014

Every day is a school day

Gotta love a mince through the Tenderloin in SF. I'll admit we stand out like a couple of impossibly naive-looking tourists, but that doesn't seem to bother some of the more eccentric residents. This week, we walked past a guy swaggering his way through a verse of Rumpshaker (choon!) before stopping dead and bending double to flamboyantly address a used sugar packet on the pavement with "Oh my, is that Mary Jane?"

I found this fucking hilarious and totally random, until I thought that maybe Mary Jane was slang for something. Lo - a quick internet search revealed that it is the literal translation of the word Marijuana of spanish origin (Maria Joanna = Mary Jane). Well, I learned something new, and I guess that his statement makes a little more sense, though as the Lad points out, he was still loudly singing early 90s hip hop and talking to an empty sugar packet.  Drugs are bad, kids, m'kay. 

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