Tuesday 18 August 2015

Still overly sensitive, then?

There's a new perceived slight that I am unnecessarily sensitive to, and I blame my Britishness. And I will be using British actors to visually represent my distress - only they can fully embody the anguish that I feel! 

Lets set the scene: you're in a shop being served by one of the shop assistants, or in a hairdressers being shampooed. Another staff member leans over to the person currently serving and, within very clear earshot, asks "will SHE be paying by credit card?" or "how long will SHE be?"

Guys, I'm right here. 

My mum would have a fit. "Who's 'she'? The Queen of Sheba? The cat's mother?" And it really does smart when someone refers to you without acknowledging that you are still fucking there and you can actually fucking hear!

I'm used to being referred to as CUSTOMER ("My CUSTOMER will be paying with buttons and belly button fluff"), or LADY ("My LADY will be here for another three or four hours to give me time to tame this unwieldy bird's nest"). Otherwise you may as well ask "is this dick'ead going to be much longer?"

Seriously, manners, yeah?

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