Thursday 23 January 2014

You had one job...

Coming from the home of the 6:57 crew, as I do, I am used to a certain brand of football supporter. Its the same story in all the working class areas of the UK. Win, and the fans float about the city on a cloud of pride and righteousness. Lose, and the city/opposing fans/football grounds get smashed up.

This week, after all the media hype and anticipation , the 49ers lost against the Seahawks in a game that killed their chances of reaching the 2014 Superbowl. I watched the news as the team slowly drove their coach back to the grounds in San the cheers of around a hundred fans?? What?? CHEERS?? Seriously - if a team loses in the UK they are lucky if NOBODY shows up, because SOMEBODY showing up means you're going to get pelted with cans and verbal abuse.

I exaggerate, and I'm not condoning the behaviour of football hooligans, but the point still stands - you had
one job, guys, ONE JOB. And you failed. Its very sweet that your fans wait for you at midnight to welcome you home with, "Nevermind", "You did great!" and, "There's always next year!", but those people spend ALOT of their hard-earned moolah on your merchandise. They work hard in their jobs to come watch you do yours. Badly, as it turns out.

Count yourself lucky that you're playing in the States, that's all I can say, because if you played in the UK you would have some serious questions to answer.

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