Thursday 28 November 2013

Publix conveniences

You hear a lot about convenience in the US, but it's taking a bit of getting used to for this Limey pair (yes, I capitalise Limey - it is a proper noun).

In the UK convenience is a Tesco metro.

"Ooh - handy - we can nip up the road and get some extra yorkie puds if we run out on Sunday."


Brits - let's take a step back and explore the 'convenience' of this. Let us presume you are making a roast chicken with the works. Maybe you've got the kids coming over too. A lovely family meal. And if you run out of something you can walk round the corner and get pretty much anything you need.

Now, let's make this whole scenario a smidge easier. Rather than everyone come to you, chef, let's all meet at a restaurant, where they buy and cook the food. They nip out for extra yorkie puds. They even provide the loo roll and clean the toilet for you. And, you don't have to walk anywhere, just drive up and get a freshly cooked meal. You can probably have a yummy rhubarb crumble for afters too. And you don't have to do the washing up! See where I'm going with this?

Yes, yes - none of us can afford to go out every night to eat, but what if it was comparable to eating in? And what if it was a challenge to buy fresh fruit & veg unless you want to pay through the arse and go to an organic shop, a farmers market or Target and buy it pre-diced and bleached? Welcome to America, bitches. Where convenience just met affordability. I will have to actively seek out cheaper fresh ingredients in order to be able to affordably cook at home. Wtf??

I'm sure I'll find somewhere, but it's not as easy as Florida (damn I miss Publix). California seems to be lacking a Tesco or an ASDA. Whats wrong with wanting to buy fresh meat, local fruit & veg, Heinz ketchup and Frosties all in one place? I don't want own brand organic ketchup, so that's Trader Joe's out. I don't want my fruit to have been flown in by private jet from Libya, so I won't bother with Whole Foods, but I would like to buy fruit that is not pre-cubed and put in a plastic tub (thanks Target - I can do that myself). 

Gonna try Safeway and see if it's anything like the UK Safeway was. Wish me luck. I have the local Thai restaurant on speed dial just in case...

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