Friday 8 May 2015

Tell me how an online transaction takes 4 weeks? Tell me!!

So, I've already had a seething rant about the DMV and the fact that I had to use a pen and paper to do my theory test and a little man at a desk actually marked it with a red pen. Yes, that actually writes and posts a cheque on behalf.
happened this century. I believe I have also mentioned, the online transfers situation whereby a little bank pixie
Why the ruddy heckington am I therefore surprised that it takes 4 weeks for my CVS points card to
get registered. FOUR. FUCKING. WEEKS.

Not that I even care, but don't encourage me to sign up and send me vouchers by email that I can't fucking use because "it can take up to four weeks for the system to update". And yet, you bombard me with email spam in that 4 week period? You seem to have got my email address on the system pretty fucking quick.
This seems to be the norm here - online processes are apparently not instant (as they mostly are in the UK), and nobody seems to be irritated enough to do anything about it. My suspicion is that the systems are bloated with fat human staff who have to manually enter details (even though I typed my details into the till), and somehow have employment protection even though their job appears to be to make everyone's lives a bit harder, and to ensure we get less quality of service for a service we didn't really give a shit about anyway.

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