And having grown up with a fair bit of US tv there are reams of cultural references that I never |
- Book - Cimarron by Edna Ferba (about the Land Rush)
- Book - The Grapes of Wrath (about the impact of the depression. Or watch the film)
- Book - The Things They Carried (Wow. Just wow. If you watch this in conjunction with M*A*S*H, Apocalypse Now and Full Metal Jacket you'll start to confuse the Korean and Vietnam wars, but maybe thats the point? History repeating itself, boys and girls)
- Telly - Drunk History (I have found out about so many impressive characters in American history because of this - see Claudette Colvin and her relationship with Rosa Parks. PR before the masses even knew about PR. Fascinating and powerful stuff)
- Anything by Seth MacFarlane - obvs Family Guy, The Cleveland Show, American Dad - the cultural references are rude and poignant and I'm so freaking chuffed when I get all of them. Smug mode: "Hahaha, its funny because Karl Rove was an evil spin doctor.") Also, A Thousand Ways to Die in the West - the early European settlers lived a terrifying and short existence. Life in Europe must have been fucking awful for them to prefer this.
- Podcast - This American Life. In fact there are loads of associated podcasts and radio stations.
- Telly - How the States got their shape (as shouty and flashy and brightly colored as most TV shows seem to be, but Henry Rollins is a pleasure to watch)
- Anything on PBS. Anything. It may not be fun, but it will damn-sure be educational.
- Telly - any old shows like the Love Boat, The Dick Van Dyke Show
- Film - Western films (they are all incredibly culturally insensitive, which already makes them historically of interest, but watching them with even a smattering of knowledge of the politics of the early settlers and how hard life was in the actual Wild West gives them a whole new meaning)
Enjoy. And if anyone asks, call it research.