Wednesday 18 February 2015

Simple solution to lazy-arse shoplifters

I wondered why the people in the local Costco are so mental about which door you go in. Seriously - the two huge garage doors are next to each other and they start to freak out if you go in the exit hole (because its 3 feet closer to the information desk) instead of the entrance hole. Well, mystery solved. It turns out that as a deterrent for shoplifters (who wander in, pick up a tv and take it straight over to the returns desk) they put a little sticker on every item you plan to bring back as soon as you enter the store. And they're not the only ones. I've seen it in Best Buy too. And it makes complete sense! Not only does it mean that the store saves money on shoplifting bastards but it also means that it should, theoretically, be less hassle for me at the returns desk. The staff don't have to be suspicious, even if I look very shady in my flasher's mac and dark glasses, and the whole customer/employee experience is much more pleasant.

Well, thats how its supposed to work. I'm sure there are some complete arseholes who ruin it for all the other children.

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