Monday, 29 September 2014

BEAT LA! (Oh god, NFL, not like that!)

Its time to say goodbye to baseball season and hello to football ('murican football. The domestic-abuse-y one.) And as much as I want to watch football and enjoy it as much as baseball it just doesn't have the same warm squishy feeling as the ol' ball game. It might be that I've been spoilt by Giants fans who are utterly adorable (the worst the Dodgers got from the orange army was accusations of being 'a bum'. Adorbs. The only swearing was from a drunk Brit a couple of rows back in the bleachers - so proud. On the way out of the ballpark, after a crushing defeat, the Giants fans were chanting 'BEAT LA' into the faces of Dodgers fans, before shaking them by the hand and wishing them a pleasant evening. Astounding), or it might be that baseball resembles the rounders we used to play on the common in our P.E. kit. The violence that has been associated with NFL players certainly doesn't endear me to them, and, as a Brit, I am obliged to mention the fact that Rugby players run around with no padding, whilst the delicate little Football players need padding and helmets, and are now being encouraged to wear concussion monitors to make sure they don't get too bruised. Poor little poppets.

I think its all of those things, plus the class thing. Football appears to be a college sport (and by football I mean American football. And by college, I mean University. **sigh**) meaning that the lads in the NFL are generally either graduates, graduands, students or college drop outs (you had an opportunity and you dropped out to play sport - that is more of an opportunity than many kids get). Baseball players, however, are often drafted from high school, giving the game a more working class feel. And the young lads are often married to wholesome-looking high school sweethearts with a coupla kids. The whole thing feels very family-oriented and inclusive.

And you don't have to be in peak physical condition, apparently - makes me think I've got a future in sport after all.

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